bad news guys...i am going to celebrate syawal in kuching! a direction from the management in klcc that one executive has to stand by during hari raya since our depots are in full blast operation and not put in halt.
what can i say? i am just a machai..junior engineer...i had to. paksa rela la ni..hehe. i am allowed only to go back on the 4th day of raya. what now? lets forget about being grieved not be able to celebrate with the loved ones. and focus on what to do here in kuching.err..can't think of one right now..
someone help me please? damn, i am so gona be toasted here.. should i go for a boat ride along kuching waterfront on the eve of raya?? but i heard that here people wear baju raya for a week where am i supposed to find 7 sets of baju melayu??
chip in guys..please.
rilex la beb..sekali sekala raya tempat orang...bukan payah pon...
I tot you'll be celebrating Syawal in a blast in Kuching tok.
How about
1. ditch the 7 sets of baju melayu
2. list all your galfrens names and addresses
3. Go Raya with the list in #2
4. Be stressful and distress and what will you get? Nada. Ziltch. might as well makan for free maa..
5. on the 4-6th you're welcome to visit my house in KL. sik hal la ya.
Maok kamek call kitak kah Pagi Raya ya? Aku takut ajak kitak sik bangun terlimpas sembahyang raya. Anyho, hosmet kitak ada nak? siklah diam soghang cam org gilak. hehehe~@!
i thk u'll survive. InsyaAllah
u'll do just fine
too bad tho
ney ada si faizal sitok? nya balit raya bah..mek kelak nang sorg jak beraya sitok. dah la MJC ya kedak sikda suasana raya..ya la mek mok gi umah jun!hehehe..
i think i'm gona do just fine, with at least 6 houses to be want me to list all them down kah?lalalala
eh bro. I'll be in Kuching with my wife's family. Maybe we can go visit u? gimme ur add k
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