Wednesday, 7 July 2010

the echo to the heart

well, it takes a lot more to listen than to mumble. it takes courage, patience and maturity to listen. people said that the giving hands are way lot better than the receiving hands. same goes to this, listening just supersedes talking.

what is it that people meant when they talk about listening? listen is certainly not eavesdrop. that's different, that's not the kind of listening that i want to talk about. many people can talk, there are a lot of people are loud out there, quite a number of people love to debate, pouring opinions, sharing knowledge, and so forth. but few can really listen. that's the truth, unnoticed in today's society.

it takes the heart to listen actually, not just the pair of ears, cochlea and eustachian tubes. listen with the intent to reply, with the pure intention, intentionally to response immediately, is not really listening after all. you see, if you pay that brief attention just for the sake of collecting some information, probing, writing your own script, analyzing the case while deriving the mental synopsis in your boggling mind, well, i wouldn't call that listening at all. that's inquisitive.

emphatic listening is to listen with the intent to understand, to feel to very bottom heart of the matter, to appreciate the other person on the line who's sharing his or her problems, what's bothering them, to put yourself in their shoes, embedding a pure feeling of love nothing else than to help the person who is in much for a hand, patience enough to succumb all the possible threats and defensive symptoms from the person, because not all people are brave and humble enough to seek for help. most people, will normally go around the bushes, reluctantly to tell the truth, of telling the real problem partially, or putting the defensive mechanism as a wall to protect their ego and they think they will look weak for telling the truth, confusing the listener, leaving the listening mislead. so many possibilities, and one could get hurt during the difficult task of listening and enduring. but that's the true kind of maturity, lending our ears for people that we care.

it looks simple but not easy. it's hard but it's not impossible to really listen. practice makes perfect. that's all. but the bottom line is, we have to be sincere to listen. kind enough to spare few minutes, just to give the other person the support that they are looking for. it's not the solution or opinion that they are looking for. it's not really that much they seek for. but it takes a lot to listen. it's okay to play dumb fool for a while. it's okay for not being the smarter one for the time being, because the one who listens is way much stronger. emotionally, mentally than the one who's screaming.

listening to me, it's like a heart beat, like hard beat, it's like a heart break beat, beating out of me. just like what brandtson said, the echo takes me down to mexico.

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