Tuesday, 31 August 2010

valiant pride

there's no valiance in being proud. learn to let go. ego is just another sublime version of our audacity. submit to your majestic so called self esteem, or self defined boldness, whatever you might call it, then you have just submitted application for a downfall.

i'm writing this from a humbled seat, from set of misfortune experiences how pride and ignorance (two eccentric traits which until now i found myself strangled to find the chemical reactions between those two) had me flattened far from flattered. punished over things that i thought derived me best, that i unwilling to let go, which i was so comfortable with. complacency again complacent. lesson is learnt.

if it's not being resharpened, even a chainsaw can't cut through a paper. same goes with us, we need to be reminded, retrained, and to be awaken.

so open your eyes and wake up, knock knock. who's there?

shrug off your shoulder and lift the chin version of you?

or, another transformed person with the right palm on the left side of the chest and head's down?

it's your call. listen to your heart beat and write your own story.

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